Anshika Yadav Upcycled 500kgs Of Fabric Waste Into Sustainable Fashion Items With Her Start-Up, ‘Let’s Save As’

Women Empowerment By Chaithra B S | 2 min read

Sustainable Fashion

Designer Anshika Yadav left her job to establish Let’s Save As, a sustainable fashion firm that upcycles waste fabric into elegant apparel, bags, and more, avoiding this environmental threat from entering landfills.

A truckload of clothing ends up in landfills every second, or an estimated 92 million tonnes, of textile waste each year.

Anshika Yadav decided to contribute to sustainable fashion

This alarming statistic portends calamity for our future. After hearing this, Anshika Yadav was equally astonished and decided to work through the problem one bit of fabric at a time.

In 2020, Anshika received her degree from NIFT Bhubaneswar and she began working for an export company. Here, she would see the everyday generation and disposal of enormous amounts of fabric remnants.

Those textiles used to be left to rot for a very long period before being dumped into landfills. She became aware that things may be preserved from being discarded and turned into something new.

This Prayagraj-born designer left her work to launch the sustainable fashion line apparel line Let’s Save As in January 2021. She creates stunning garments from these leftover textiles, which would otherwise wind up in landfills. She would travel across the neighbourhood, stopping by shops and tailors, and gathering leftover fabric from them.

Creating cost-effective sustainability

They work to lower the cost of sustainability. They use waste reduction, recycling, and upcycling strategies to provide environmentally aware clients with sustainable fashion options.

She began her unit in a home space. She discovered during her study that she needed to engage a larger audience if she wanted to have an impact. This required lowering the cost of sustainability without sacrificing its quality.

Even though it was difficult at first because many found it challenging to comprehend the idea of upcycling, Let’s Save As, a sustainable fashion brand has already served over 200 clients and up-cycled more than 500 kgs of waste fabric.

They have a variety of products like bags, clothing, pouches, apron, and others.

How severe is India’s problem with fabric waste?

Sustainable Fashion
Image: Canva

One of the largest industries in the world is the textile industry in India. For both its own people and the rising worldwide market, it produces adequate cloth. The vibrant industry of the nation lies behind its glitz. The issue of textile waste exists.

The amount of trash produced by textile processing firms is significant for the size of the population. 

After being transformed into goods, textile businesses frequently discard their leftover trash. Typically, this material is disposed of in landfills around the country. However, they continue to be a threat to urban design, the environment, and place aesthetics.

Textile waste may be recycled into useful products like how to Let’s Save As is working towards sustainable fashion. These significantly contribute to generating value from waste materials.

Industry estimates state that India scraps more than one million tonnes of textiles annually. In India, the third-largest source of municipal solid trash is textile waste. Although this problem significantly contributes to environmental suffering, there is still unrealized potential to effect change.

Textile waste is acquired from a variety of sources, sorted, and treated based on its state, make-up, and potential value. Recycling clothing is a subset of recycling textiles. For sorting and processing, it entailed reclaiming used garments and shoes.

If you wish to buy sustainable fashion products from Let’s Save As then order yours on their website.

If you like this story, you can also check out – EcoKaari Is Upcycling 20 Million Plastic Bags Into Fabric, This Start-Up Makes Rs 8 Lakh/Month

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