BookTuk is an initiative that is presently available in Kolkata and has to be the best thing that happened here, for me at least. Speaking from personal experience this place has it all, starting from books of international authors to our very own Bengali authors. Keeping in mind the reading population here in Kolkata and the diversity it has, BookTuk has received a great response from its visitors. Its pocket-friendly cost and a wide variety of books have made it the first choice for book lovers.
BookTuk – Introduction
BookTuk has made sure to have it all and not a single book lover will walk out of the store being unhappy or disappointed. Rather they find a reason to come back to the store over and over again. It has made sure to make people forget about online books and is halfway there. It is presently available in E M Bypass, Kalikapur, a place in south Kolkata, West Bengal. It also has fictional books as well as books on education, gardening, and old and modern classics.
The way BookTuk works
The system works in a way where all the second-hand books are Rs.200 or Rs.300 per kilo and discounts are available on the new books. Buying old or second-hand books might sound surprising or shocking for some but they assure that the second-hand books they sell are in proper condition, so one need not worry about that. Along with the scheme of having many books they make sure that they make book quantity and quality go hand in hand. Along with reasonable discounts and affordability, BookTuk is also famous for having books for all ages. Oh, not only just storybooks, but you’ll also find study books here such as engineering textbooks.
BookTuk’s diversity in the collection of books
From Hugo to George Elliot, from Disraeli to Johann Wyss, BookTuk has a great combination of old and modern classics. Not just that, they also have late 80s Penguin paperbacks as well as modern-day black cover paperbacks of the early 2000s. For those who look out for old classics, this is your go-to place. Where are all the football lovers at? Go and get your hands on the amazing Bloomsbury’s Ultimate Football Heroes series which is available here but otherwise rarely available. From recent players like Neymar, Messi, and Pogna to the equally amazing retired players like Beckham and Zidone, you’ll find books on them right here. You’ll treat yourself with these books at a cost as low as Rs.320 whereas they are priced at more than Rs.600 online.
The positive feedback
It is loved by numerous people that can be made out of their positive and beautiful reviews. And why shouldn’t it be loved? Which book lover will not love a place where you get many books at a low cost? None. BookTuk is a place that will help in increasing the percentage of readers in the city that will in turn help in developing a reading culture.
Some have said that its diverse collection of books is what makes it stand out. In short, if you are a book lover, this place is for you and you should visit it once. For those who don’t reside in Kolkata, if you ever come here and you’re an avid reader add this place to your list of “must-visit places in Kolkata.”
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