This is the story of Naidhroven, founder of Nappinnai. Naidhroven has been suffering from a disease called Muscular Dystrophy, since birth. Due to this, even his family was somewhere prepared for his disability.
Naidhroven never wanted to depend on others because of his disability. This gave him the motivation to start his startup. His grit and passion gave him the courage to make a special scooter for the disabled. This way he changed the lives of many people.
Effect of Muscular Dystrophy at the age of 26
Naidhroven’s father was an automobile engineer, due to which he also had an inclination towards engineering. But due to his disability, his teachers suggested him to chose Commerce as his career option.
His teachers believed that due to his disability, he would not be able to perform and stand for long in the Science labs, so Commerce would be a better field for him. Naidhroven agreed to the same and believed he would not be able to become an engineer.
The symptoms of his sickness were gradually reflecting and he was also ready for his disability. Naidhroven had realized that after 30 he could be in a wheelchair, yet he did not want to let his disability affect his goals and vision.
During his MBA, his condition worsened at the age of 26. His hip dislocated and the ankle got severely affected. He was not been able to walk as before.
According to Naidhroven, he had the option of surgery, but that had equal chances of failure. In case of failure, his situation would have worsened, so he decided not to undergo surgery.
Rejected by companies due to disability
This was an awful phase for Naidhroven, but he did not lose hope. He applied for jobs in many companies, but due to his disability, he was rejected from everywhere.
Even in difficult times, he did not lose courage. Naidhroven says this was an indication for him to go for his startup, and a job could have been a hindrance.
Naidhroven’s father developed a compact scooter for him so that he could move freely without any support. This was the eureka moment for him and he got the idea for his startup. He decided to manufacture this scooter for the people in need.
Initially, he worked as a freelancer for different companies for 2 years. Before establishing his business, he wanted to join the German Accelerator Program. But due to some reasons, his proposal was rejected, and then he decided to start his own startup.
Government Funding
While doing freelance work, Naidhroven got the experience needed for his startup, but he needed funds to start. The Prime Minister Employment Generation Scheme of the Government of Tamil Nadu was instrumental in raising funds for his business.
In 2016, Naidhroven opened his startup company named Nappinnai. The company developed Compact Scooters that were specially designed for people who had a walking disability caused by a disease or accident.
The Tamil Nadu government supported him with a fund of Rs 10 lakh for Nappinnai, while his family and friends helped with Rs 11 lakh.
Naidhroven‘s motivation to succeed
Naidhroven says that people with disabilities are often motivated to go for a good job to secure their future, but he does not believe in this idea. He decided to do a startup because he wanted to prove to the world that if you are passionate about your idea, there is no disability that can stop you.
Nappinnai’s vehicles are eco-friendly and affordable, and people of all sections can easily purchase these. The cost of manufacturing a single model is approximately 8 to 10 thousand rupees.
Naidhroven could have eventually chosen a comfortable life by doing a job, but he decided to startup so that he could become an inspiration for millions. He wanted to motivate other disabled people to go for their dreams without making disability a stumbling block.
To know more about Nappinnai, please check :- LinkedIn, Website.
To book a test drive for Nappinnai scooter, please contact here – Test Drive
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