Agnipath Scheme – Peek Into How Powerful Countries Recruit Their ‘Agniveers’

Mad4India By Nalin Kashyap | 2 min read

The center’s Agnipath Scheme for recruiting soldiers into the armed forces – Army, Navy, and Air Force has been a point of debate and discussion ever since it was announced on the 14th of June.

The Process Of Recruitment In India

The recruitment process which was followed prior to the announcement of the Agnipath scheme was through two means, The Permanent commission and SSC.

Permanent Commission which means a career in the army till you retire. People of different ages are needed in each wing of the army. Young people are needed in some wings so there are services for 40 years. A wing requires up to 50 years. Each such wing has a different age. If one opts for a permanent commission, they have to work till the decided age of the wing. After that, the army personnel is deemed retired. This makes them eligible for the benefits of ex-servicemen like pension and gratuity.

The second is the short service commission (SSC). If one is selected for a short service commission they have to work for 10 years. In some cases, it gets extended to 14 years. After that, they will retire but are not obligated to the benefits of a pension. Now there are 2 levels on which rank this army personnel will move forward in the Armed Forces. First, there is officer rank, such as lieutenant and the second entry is as a soldier.

Furthermore, the soldiers are promoted based on their experience and expertise. In the new policy along with the Permanent Commission and Short Service Commission, the additional scheme is added with the name of The Agnipath Scheme for the ‘Agniveers’.

Here’s a list of powerful countries where the schemes similar to the Agnipath Scheme has been ‘tried and tested’

Agnipath Scheme In The United States

USA has a total of 1.3 million of active duty military and more than 8,00,000 reserve forces. The US army is the third largest army trailing behind India and china, The recruitment done here is on voluntary basis. Most soldiers are recruited for a period of four year and deemed as an active personnel.

The army personnel work for another four years in “inactive” status which means they can be recalled if necessary. The website of states that once a person has completed his or her term of duty, he or she can extend the contract or re-register if they want to continue working. Soldiers are eligible for a pension after 20 years of service in the military. Those who leave earlier are eligible for certain other benefits.


Source – Wikimedia

China has the largest military force in the world, with India ranked second. But a large stationed army is not a requirement of modern warfare. This realization hit China as a result there was depleting human resources of its military and adding more explosive power to its capabilities.

Chinese troops are based on conscription, making military service mandatory for all men over the age of 18.

According to Chinese law, military service is three years in the Armed Forces and four years in the Navy and Air Force. For volunteers, the term of service is eight years and no more than 12 years.

In recent years, China has been trying to reduce its military presence and recruit more trained and skilled troops in an effort to modernize its troops.


Russia follows a hybrid contract and recruitment model. All 18 to 27-year-old men are under conscription for a year in the military after a 8-month training period. During the Russian recruiting period which happens twice a year, failure to register eligible individuals is punishable by a fine and imprisonment for up to 2 years.

Contract soldiers are provided with advanced training and deployed in key units.

Agnipath Scheme
Source – Picryl


The Agnipath scheme like recruitment has been followed since its inception in 1948 to protect its territories from what at that time was a very hateful place.

Older Israeli men are required to work for 32 months and for women for 24 months thereafter in a reservoir that may be called upon for service if needed. 10 percent of recruits are retained and given a seven-year contract. Those who work for at least 12 years receive pension benefits. Ultra-orthodox and Arab Israels are exempt from military service.


Today, the youth of France joins the Armed Forces, called the Forces armées françaises, on a voluntary and contractual basis. The volunteer can sign a one-year contract, which can be extended to five years.

Soldiers are given training for three months and those who serve for over 19 years are eligible for state pension.

Agnipath Scheme
Source – jenikirbyhistory

To Know more about Agnipath Scheme head on to MyGovIndia

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